PRINT: Story Archive

La Stampa, Multimedia Journalist/San Paolo Fellow

In 2014 I was selected for the prestigious San Paolo Fellowship, which allowed me to travel to Italy and work for La Stampa, the country’s third largest newspaper. In addition to working on multimedia pieces for the paper’s MediaLab, I worked at the web desk covering U.S. issues from an international perspective.

A Ferguson armati come in Iraq. Negli Usa troppi poliziotti in assetto da combattimento (“Ferguson cops are armed for Iraq. U.S. has too many policemen in combat gear”). This analysis of police militarization landed on the publication’s homepage at the height of the protests.
Se mi sparassero: Twitter, gli utenti di colore protestano per Michael Brown
(“#Iftheygunnedmedown: Black Twitter protests for Michael Brown”)
Da Amadou a Trayvon: I casi piu famosi degli ultimi anni
(“From Amadou to Trayvon, the most famous cases in recent memory”)
Stati Uniti, “Tempio Satanico” si unisce alla lotta contro le leggi anti-aborto
(“Satanic Temple joins the fight against anti-abortion laws”)
Texas, l’abuso sessuale di una ragazza diventa virale sui social network
(“In Texas, a girl’s sexual assault goes viral”)
Le donne turche sfidano il vice premier a suon di sorrisi sul social network
(“On social media, Turkish women challenge VP with laughter”)
La libertà clandestina delle donne iraniane (“The stealthy freedom of Iranian women”)
La rivolta dei fast food: Decine di arresti in Usa (“Fast food revolt: dozens arrested in U.S.”)
Il viaggio degli scout sulla strada per San Rossore (“Scouts begin their long march to San Rossore”)
Tre Italiani nudi per strada: Barcellona dichiara guerra ai turisti cafoni
(“Three Italians go nude in public: Barcelona declares war on uncivilized tourists”)
Come perdere l’iPhone senza perdere l’anima: una disavventura digitale
(“How to lose your iPhone without losing yourself: a digital misadventure”)
Prix Italia 2014 Liveblog:

September 2014 marked the 66th edition of Prix Italia, an international competition celebrating the best of radio, TV, and web programming. The event’s “Innovation Laboratory” in Turin, Italy, hosted attendees from news and media organizations all over Europe. I live-blogged the competition for an international audience, sharing tips and discussions on the media industry. Topics included disruptive TV technologies, use of social media in the newsroom, non-conventional radio, reporting stories on refugees, and how to cover the mafia.

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Columbia Visuals, Co-founder/Staff Writer

Launched in September 2013, Columbia Visuals is a blog on visual journalism run by the digital media team at the Columbia Journalism School. The blog’s aim is to inspire visual and multimedia journalists, from students to professionals, with features on interesting work as well as practical advice and guides. Author archive here.

This is What It’s Like Being a Female Photojournalist in India
8 Film Festivals for Students
The State of Video Now
Ergonomics for Video Editing
Enforcing Your Copyright
5 Ways to Protect Your Work Online
“A Little Effort of Yours, It Can Change the Life of People.”
“It Was Something Divine:” AP Photographer Altaf Qadri’s Path to Success
Covering Sensitive Populations: Victims of Abuse & Violence
Covering Sensitive Populations: People with Mental Disorders
Everything You Wanted to Know About Photo Internships
12 Workshops to Check Out
Equipment Strategies for Young Videojournalists
Releases, Part 1: Location Releases
Releases, Part 2: Materials Releases
Releases, Part 3: Appearance Releases
Great Student Contests
Freelancing in a Developing Country
The Top Visual Journalism Contests
5 Tips for Applying to Photo Contests
Pitching Your Freelance Video
“Wear Them Down With Good Will”: Eugene Jarecki on Getting Access
Shining Light on the War On Drugs
One-Woman Doc
Putting Photography Online, Part I: Terms of Service
Putting Photography Online, Part II: Choosing the Right Site
Putting Photography Online, Part III: Should You Be Social?

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The Hechinger Report, Freelance Contributor

The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit news organization that focuses on education, sponsors the Hechinger Award for the best education story produced by a member of the graduating Columbia Journalism class. This article was the 2013 winner.

One Mom’s Efforts to Crack the Gifted and Talented System
A shorter version of this article also appeared on WNYC’s SchoolBook.

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The Brooklyn Ink, Staff Writer

Reporting class website The Brooklyn Ink‘s 2012-2013 coverage included stories on New York Assemblyman Vito Lopez, Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath, and the presidential elections.

Stand By Your Assemblyman? Past Supporters of Vito Lopez Weigh Pros & Cons
From Notes to Letters, A Young Storyteller’s Journey
The Bridge, At Dusk
Passion Project
Live Blog: Praying for Victory
Brooklyn, Meet Sandy: Tweeting the Storm